The Messenger from Madisonville, Kentucky (2024)

THE DAILY MESSENGER, MAD SUNTILLE, MI. DATUNDAY, Sept. 30, 13,3 PAGE THREF And Out Of Town Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dawson, who have been guests of Mrs.

Dawson's mother, Mrs. Mary ran, and of Mr. Frank Dickerson, two weeks, left today for their home in Detroit. -000- -Mrs, Turner Ruby -and Mrs. Charles Jennings will leave.

Wedhesday by motor for a visit with Mrs. Ruby's brother, Mr. Littlecon Wilson, in Denver. -000- Mr. David Madison, student att Draughn's Business College in Pa-1 ducah, spent last weekend with his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. L. W. Madison, route four. -000- Mrs.

Roy Breen, Miss Aldyth Ward a and Mr. John Wolfe, of Detroit, are the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Adams, Sugg street. -000-- and Mrs.

James R. Breeden are leaving today for a weekend visit with Mrs. Breeden's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.

W. Peterson in Lebanon, Ky. Mr BreeZen go to Rogersville, tomorrow on a business trip and Mrs. Breeden" plans to visit her par-! ents during his absence. Mr.

and Mrs. Breeden spent Thursday in Nashville. -000 Mr. and Mrs. Frank V.

Ramsey spent Thursday in Hartford, Ky. -000-1 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Long are spending the weekend in Lexington.

Mesdames Falcon Durham, Jay Martin, J. R. Morgan and Lloyd' King spent Thursday in Evansville. --000-- Misses Monterey Rudd and Mildred Ashby, of Hanson, Virginia Gentry, Zada Crowley and Bess Jones, have returned from a motor trip to Norris Dam, the Smoky mountains, Lookout mountain, and other points of interest. -000- Mr.

and Mrs. F. L. Buie have returned from a brief stay in Nashville. -000- Mrs.

Susan Bridges has returned to her home in Paris. foilowing a two month visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. T.

Gooch and Mrs. W. C. Shipp, South Seminary. 4-000- Miss Sue Lawson, Bowling Green, is the weekend guest of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr.

and Mrs. Willie Rich. -000- Mrs. Elizabeth Farmer has enrolled in the Lois-Glyn Beauty school in Bowling Green. -000- Miss Helen Conkling, Louisville, is the house guest of Mr.

and Mats. Frank G. Pilson Lake street, this week. 000-- Dr. and G.

Steinfeld and son, Carroll Morris, have re. turned from a visit with Dr. Steinfeld's parents, Dr. and Mrs. M.

Steinfeld, in Paducah. -00C Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell, 113 Bradley, were called to on Tuesday morning by the serious illness of Mr. Campbell's mother.

-000- Mr. Arthur Vinson has returned from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Lucian Vinson in Evansville. 000-- Mr.

and Mrs. A. D. Sisk, Pikeville, are visiting relatives here several days. Misses Simons Given Party On Birthday Miss Lucy Simons and Mr.

Frank Simons were delightfully surprised with a party in honor of their birthdays, given by Misses Erma Grace Marks and Loel Ivy on Monday evening at the Simons home in South Harrig. The honorees were the recipients of a number of lovely gifts and in the late evening the birthday cake was cut and served with delicious ices to: Misses Lucy Simons, Elizabeth Arnold, Ogreta Payton, Gladys Dunkerson, Jane Overton, Cash, Katherine Anthony, Louise Brooks, Messrs Frank Simons, Paul Harris, Givens Griffen Jack Daves, Earl Porter, Kenneth Anthony, Rupert Owen Roberts, Marvin Beeny, Roger Hite. Carl Hoffman, John Williams, Fred Trathen, Coleman Cates of Slaughters, W. J. Nance and Herman Carroll of Evansville, and the hosts.

COLDS Cause Discomfort of colds, take 666 For from quick the misery relief- 666 Liquid--Tablets--Salve--Nose Drops Waddill Unit PTA Resumes The first meeting of the Wari. dill 1 avenue unit of the ParentTeacher Association was head on Tuesday afternoon at the school when the devotional was given by Mrs. J. C. Martin.

The officers and chairmen of standing committees were introduced by the president, Mrs. con Durham. They are: Mrs. Lawrence Moore, vice-president: Mrs. N.

B. Edwards, secretary, Miss Nell Plain, treasurer; Mrs. Robert Schlotman, publicity; Mrs Edythe Salmon, library; Mrs. L. B.

Graham, membership. A most interesting report of the national and state conventions which were held in Cincinnati and Covington in May was given by Mrs. T. J. Perkins.

'The introductory speech of the nation al convention was made by the national president, Mrs. Pettin-1 gill, the theme being "Freedora For Growth." Mrs. Pettingill pointed out that too much had been left for the child to decide for himself, and "self -expression" had been on the rampage for the past few years. Intelligent home discussion between parents and children on all school problem: was encouraged. Miss Lennie McMurry led tne community singing, and a social hour followed when tempting refreshments were served to the 67.

in attendance by the room moth. ers of the sixth grade, taught by Miss Martha Gooch. The attendance banner went to Miss Florence Tomoiinson's room Picnic Given For The Earl Dawsons A very enjoyable picnic was given Wednesday evening at the Spring Lake Fishing Club in ho.2or of Mr. and Mrs Earl Dawson (Ruth Edwards) of Detroit. After the delicious suppe: much pleasure was had from the moonlight boat rides and music in the club rooms.

Those in attendance were: Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Dockery, Mr.

and Mrs. Earl Dawson, Detroit, M. and Mrs. Kurt Pendley, Nortonville, Misses Marie Lutz, Katherine Hurt, Ruth Jarnigan, Mar-: geret Ellis, Sue Trover, Cornelia Pressley, Nell Harding, Margaret Garrard, Katherine An. thony, Katherine.

Gipson, 0. Providence, Messrs. D. Todd, C. P.

Tilford, Earlington, S. A. Poole, Hanson, Tommie Anderson and Bobby Higdon. Hanson Study Club In Annual Banquet The Women's Study Club of Hanson entertained with its annual banquet on Saturday evening in the Hanson High School. An interesting talk was made by Mrs.

Herbert Haywood; who gave a review of the club work done in the past year, and several guests made brief informal speeches. Covers were laid for: Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Tippett, Messrs. and Mesdames Chester Hadfield, Egbert Allen, Bailey Winstead, Mesdames Hattie Koenon, Ada Lee Haywood, Herbert Haywood, Mont Byrns.

Henry Callis, Aubrey Scott and John Adams. HEADS TAX CRUSADE MRS. PAUL R. WICKCLIFFE Just returned from the National Consumers Tax Commission's first annual conference in New York, Mrs. Wickcliffe, NCTC national committee member for Kentucky, will head an intensified drive to establish tax study groups in every Kentucky community to work with the 161 already active here in cities towns.

Long prominent in club and civic work, Mrs. Wickcliffe, of Greenville, is a past president of the Kentucky Federation of Women's clubs and is currently a member of the Kentucky Crippled Children's Commission, Bridge Clubs Hold First Fall Meeting By HYLDA LONG WELDON EARLINGTON, Sept. Garnett Good was host for the first fall meet. ing of her club on Thurs-! day evening in her attractive home. in Oak.

wood avenue, when her guests were: Mesdames Frank DeVylder, Thomas Wright, George Perkins, WELDON Tommy. Thomp. son, C. C. Quirey, Ansel Long, Charles Byrum and Clarence McGregor.

Mrs. Long received the firs: award. Mrs. Quirey was winner of the second prize and Mrs. By.

rum was given a consolation gift. A tempting salad course was served during the late evening. -000. Luncheon Bridge. Mrs.

Paul T. King entertained her Madisonville bridge club for a delightful luncheon at one o'clock on Thursday in her home in West Main street. Mrs. Claude Mahan was of the high score award in the afternoon's games, Mrs. G.

Brownfield received the sec. ond prize, Mrs. John Holeman won the guest award, and Mrs. Neal Spillman was keeper of the traveling award. The guests included: MesdamesNeal Spillman, H.

H. Coil, R. Schlotman, Harry. Benson, E. G.

Brownfie.d, Frank Cain, F. Holeman, B. B. Holloway, Brent Hart, Claude Mahan, Turner Ruby and John Holeman. Friendship Club.

The World Friendship Club met at the home of Rev. and Mrs. M. J. Dick on Thursday at.

ternoon, when Mary Lucy Mo.gan was program leader, having, as her topic, "Our Church dc Work in the United States." During the social hour Mrs. Dick served a very tempting r0 freshment course to the young guests, who were: Mary Lucy Morgan, De Wilton Long, Dori: Wyatt, Billy Trover, Martha Etta Watson 'Virginia Byrum, Helen Morse and Bobby Davenport. -000- OES installation. The newly elected officers of the Earlington chapter- of the Eastern Star was held at the meeting on Thursday evening. with Mrs.

John S. Mitchell 14 worthy matron. Mrs. Elinor Rich has been appointed organist, and was installed on that evening, remainder of the ap pointive officers will be installed at the next regular meeting, 07! Thursday, October 12. -000- Personal Mention.

Mr. and Mrs. George Adkins, (Frances Shaver) of Hopkin ville, are the proud parents of 1 daughter, born on Friday morning at Jennie Stuart hospital. Mrs. Eimo Shaver has gone to Hopkinsville to spend several weeks with her daughter and family.

--000- Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hutcheson of Evansville, were the guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Ernest Newton for a brief visit this week. -000- Mrs. Mary Doris Wilson, of Hanson, is the weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs.

John S. Mitchell. -000- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Browning went to Whiting, on Friday for a week's visit with the daughter, Mrs.

Robert A. Fiscner, and Mr. Fischer. Mrs. Fischer will accompany them home next weekend for a visit of several days.

-000- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Warren and son, Edward who have been making their home in Hammond, for the past ferv years, moved recently to Louisville where. Mr. Warren has ac: cepted a position the Metropolitan Life Insurance company.

-000- Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Vannoy and sons, Freddie and David Lee. of Louisville, are the weeken I guests of Mr. and Mrs.

O. A. Vannoy. -000 Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Barnett Mrs. Dick Meacham and Mrs. D. E. -Lynn attended the funeral cf Mrs.

Arkley Yancy in Hopkinsville on Friday afternoon. -000- Mr. Ross Stewart, of Cleveland. Ohio, who formerly made his home here. with his aunt and uncle, Mr.

and; Mrs. Dick Meacham, has enrolled at the ty of Kentucky for his freshman year, Trumps And No Trumps. A very enjoyable party W93. given at the Ringo camp on Thursday afternoon, when Mrs. Ott Haywood entertained guests for five tables of bridge.

Mrs. J. B. Griffin, Mrs. Tom Cansler, and Mrs.

Foster were winners of the score awards and Mrs. Horace Cox was given a consolation gift. At the conclusion of the games a delicious salad course was served to the guests. who were: Mesdames Spaulding Ringo, Caron B. Hill, Lawrence Ashmore, W.

Thomasson, Brooker Miller. Lee Long, Tom Cansler Herbert Morgan, Horace Cox, Robeit Pritchett, Otho Foster, Fredrick A. Scott, Walter Wright, W. Edwards, J. B.

Griffin, Houston Tucker, Misses Martha Lou Par-. ish, Myrtle Mitchell. Hallie and Ethel Livingston. -000- Mrs. Sidney Harris was winner of the first prize on Thursdav when Mrs.

Giles Eirk entertained her luncheon-bridge club in her come, 2258 Lake street, and Mrs.John Donan received the secont score award. Covers were laid for Mesdames John Donan, Sidney Harris, W. A. Vinson Rube McKnight, James Rash Claytor. Sam Clements.

Karl Mattnai Jr. and Clay Gudgel. Mrs. F. L.

Buie, Union street, was host for her bridge club on Friday afternoon when Mrs. Langley Hoffman was winner of the score award. A. tempting salad course was served in the late afternoon to the players, who were: Mesdames John R. Taylor, Langley Hoffmar, Louise Ross Spain.

John Green Salmon Rufus Heitsley, John Henry Cox, James Kennett, Karl B. Matthai and Carr Trathen. -000- Mrs. Rube McKnight, Sout.1 Kentucky, has been host for two enjoyable parties recently, the first occurring on Saturday afternoon when she had as her guests: Mesdames Andy Perry, Frank V. Ramsey, Karl Furgerson, J.

b. Griffin, James Kennett, Falcen Durham, 'Spaulding Ringo, Frank DeVylder, Ott Haywood. C. WA Thomason, Lawrence and J. Parris.

Mrs. Durham received the first score award, Mrs. Kennett second prize and Mrs. Ramsey was given a consolation gift. Mrs.

McKnight entertained eight guests for the second party on Tuesday evening. when her pitality included: Mesdames Oral Caywood, C. D. Draper, Join T. Hodge, Elnora John Green Salmon Carol B.

Hill, W. C. Edwards, and Freeman Weldon. Mrs. Draper was winner of the first award, Mrs.

Hill received the second prize and Mrs. Battilia was given the consolation gift A delectable salad course was served at both parties. -000- Mrs. John H. Holeman, 537 East Broadway.

entertained her bridge club on Monday evening when Mrs. J. C. Martin received the high score prize and Mrs. M.

Holeman was keeper of the traveling award. A tempting salad course was served in the late evening to: Mesdames Lonnie Finley, F. M. Holeman, Frank Cain, Ernest Scott, Jay Martin Wallace Jones. J.

C. Nisbet and Miss Nell Plain. Mrs. Q. Thomson was host for one of the larger of the early tall parties on Monday evening in her attractive home at 630 Logan street, when the rooms were decorated with bouquets of snapdragons and astors, charmingly arranged in vantage spots.

In the late evening a delectable salad course was served to: Mesdames Walter Raymond Mann, Lawrence Moore, Andy Perry. Earl Hamby, George Walker, Garnett Good, Spaulding! Ringo, J. W. McCoy, John Henry Cox, Strauther Winstead, C. J.

Kelly Lee Long, Turner Barnhiil, lley Brinkley, Roland Tillman, James Phalan, Floyd Smith, John T. Hodge, Thomas Metcalfe, Falcon Durham. 0. D. Whitfield, Marshall Fugate, W.

A. Vinson, Jack Whitford, Misses Florence Tomblinson, Martha Lou Parish and Elizabeth Kosure. Mrs. Winstead was winner of the high, score award, Miss Parish received the second award and Mrs. Smith was keeper of the traveling prize: --000-- Mrs.

C. J. Kelly, Sugg street. was host for her bridge club on Tuesday evening when Miss Ma tha Lou Parish received the first. award, Miss Elizabeth Kosure was winner of the second prize ant Mrs.

Houston Tucker was of the traveling award. Following Several rounds of bridge a delicious salad cours: was served to Mesdames Falcon Durham, Houston Tucker, 0. 1. Whitfield, Marshall Fugate, Andy Perry, Misses Martha Lou Parish, Florence Tomblinson. and Elizabeth Kosure.

The reception rooms where the tables were placed were ed with lovely bouquets of late: summer flowers. A plaid coat--purple wine and blue--tops a tailored frock- -mist blue--to make a costume displayed recently at a fashion show at the New York Waldorf. Surprise Party For Miss Wilma Vannoy Mrs. Robert Vannoy entertained the members of the Rebecca Lodge and Woodmen Circle at delightful pound party and surprise birthday party in honor of her daughter, Miss Wilma in her home in North Seminary on Wednesday evening. Bingo was played and the winners, who were presented dainty gifts, were: Mesdames Dora Kirkwood, Odella Armstrong, U.

K. Adco*ck, and Miss Charleen Whoeler. Miss Vannoy was showered witn a number of lovely gifts. A delicious refreshment course was served in the late evening to Mesdames U. K.

Adco*ck, C. Williams, Fairieigh Wienler, Robert Myers, Warren Ray, Fred Hoffman, Carl Hoffman, Reading, M. B. Brown, E. C.

Bourland, Lillian Carter, J. C. Armstrong, Lucy Barton, Mildred Fuller, Emma Anthony, Ruth Carner, Messrs. E. C.

Bourland, J. L. Edwards, Carl Hoffman, Robert Myers, Robert Vannoy, Misses Helen G. Hoffman, Dora Kirkwood. Sheron Lee Brown, Thelma C.

Reading, Sue SSiSsk, Anna Edwards, Rose Mary Myers, Mary Emily Carner, Charleen Woehler'. Lamoine Barton, Elizabeth Oakley, and Mr. Robert Morton Myers. YWA Has Meeting The Y. W.

A. of the First Bap-1 tist church met at the home of Miss Mary Elizabeth Melton, Hodge street, on Tuesday evening, when a very interesting program was given. During the social hour several contests were enjoyed and a tempting refreshment course was served to: Mrs. C. B.

Curtis Misses Ruby Nell Hoover, Josephine Tapp, Mary Glenn Royster, Mary Jean Trathen and Mary Elizabeth Melton, WEDDINGS DAVENPORT-VANNOY The wedding of Miss Mary Con Davenport and Mr. William G. Vannoy was solemnized at half past six o'clock on Sunday evening at the lovely country home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Vannoy.

Rev. Robert Lear, pastor of Browders Church, officiated at the ceremony. The spacious living room was decorated with a profusion of goldenrod, dahlias and roses, which made a beautiful setting for the plighting of the vows. The bride chose a dress of teal blue, crepe with black accessories for the ceremony. They will reside in their home on route five.

Society Editor For society editor of The Messenger, call Hylda Long Weldon, telephone No. 530-W. AP The new "double swing silhouette" appears in a black wool suit elaborated with scrolls of black braid. A slight stiffening causes its double-tiered skirt to swing out briskly below the nip-waisted cutaway jacket. Molyneux designed it, topped it- with a chin-strapped MONDAY Mrs.

Ray Cobb will be program leader for the monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary Society bf the Ear.ington Christian church, which will begin at 7:30. Calendar TUESDAY The October meet-. ing of the Hall street unit of the PTA will be held at 2:45. An executive meeting will be held preceding the meeting, beginning at: 2:00. The Sunshine Girls class of the Earlington Christian church will a steak supper in the social hall of.

the church, beginning at 6:30. THURSDAY- -The Dorcas class of the First Baptist church will meet at 7:30 at the home of Mrs. Thomas Cansier in East Broadway. Mrs. F.

O. Baker and Mrs. Cleo Maloney will be assistant hosts. Birthday Party For Miss Ann Vinson Mrs. W.

A. Vinson. South Main. entertained delightfully last week in honor of the twelfth birthday of her daughter, Ann The guests were invited for six o'clock dinner, and the lovely dining table was centered with a beautiful birthday cake, into which tokens. of good luck had been baked.

After the "honoree had" opened her gifts, games were played until slumbertime. Those present were: Misses Mary Metcalfe, Nelda Myres, Ruth O'Bryan. Louise- Schlotman, Frances Morgan, Gene Coil and Ann Vinson. Miss Galloway Hosting To The Debette Club Miss Jean' Galloway, East Broadway, was host for a meeting of the Debette club on Monday evening, when plans were made for a charity tea to be given at the home of Mrs. F.

D. Ramsey, North Main, in the near future. In the late evening a delicious ice course was served to: Misses Kate Coil, Lillian Finley, Boo Barnhill, Cornelia Dozier, -Betty Mahan, Jane Waller Ramsey, Amanda Hamblett. Martha Furgerson, Mary Jane Miller, Pat Brown. Mary Elsie Turner, Julia Ann Kelly, and the host.

Variety Show For Mrs. Virgil Scott Mrs. M. Cirner and Mrs. B.

J. Myers entertained delightfully on Thursday evening, when they were hosts for 'a variety shower in honor of Mrs. Virgil Scott. given at her home in West Broadway. Games and contests were played during the evening and Mrs.

Paul Allen was winner of the prize. Mrs. Scott was showered witn 9 beautiful assortment of lovely gifts. In the late. evening a delicious refreshment course was served to Mesdames Virgil Scott, Robeit Brown, Ida Simms, E.

B. Gentry, Wilbur Chappelle, P. C. Williams, c. S.

Smith, Charles Wallace, Merritt Utley. Forrest Stevens James Hoover. Josephine Tapp, Lovan, N. N. Littlepage.

Wiliam Robert Jennings, Graden Osburn. Cora Hanco*ck, J. M. Qualls, Ernest Hibbs, Langley Bailey, Viola Marie Bailey, Charles Hanner, Paul Allen, Beulah May. James Adams, James Scott and Adrian Scott and lit.

tle daughter. Nancy, of Earling: ton, Miss Elvira Williams, and the hosts. Shower In Honor Of Mrs. D. L.

Utterback Mrs. Alice Miller and Mrs. Coy Lutz were hosts for a. variety shower at the home of Mrs. Horace Miller in West Noel on Thursday afternoon, in honor of Mrs.

Delmer Lee Utterback. After the. lovely presents had been opened and shown, a temptrefreshment course was servto Mesdames Delmer Lee Utterback, R. M. Daniel and son, Donald, Fred Kirkwood, Clifton Franklin, O.

A. Young, Mrs. Beard and son, Jerry, Ashil Henry, Ruby Cates, David Myers, Posey Thompkins, John Valcik, Horace Miller, J. W. Mills and daughter, Linda, Mrs.

Miller and daughter, Patsy Yvonne, Georgie Wright, Herman Sam Watson, Hyson Denton, John W. Eades, Monroe Walls, Burnie Henry, Henry Dukes, Cecil Willie Brown, Kirk Moore, Wylie Moore, Elmer Gray, Ted Wright, Walter Stewart, Mary Stewart, Maude Fuhs, Earl Clark, Coy Lutz and daughter, Barbara Lane, and Mrs. Alice Miller. -000- Mrs. Sam Clements entertained her bridge club for a delightful session on Tuesday evening in her home on the Earlington pike when Mrs.

Courtland Sulliva. Mrs. Strauther Winstead and Mrs. Raymond Payne were winners of the score awards. Delicious Welch rarebit wag served during the social hour to the players.

who were: Mesdames Strauther Winstead, Raymond Brown, Earl Tucker Charles Menser, Earl Shelton, Raymond Payne, Courtland Sullivan, Wildiam Utley. George Brown, Floy1 Smith, O. L. McGregor and Charles Rogers. -000 Mrs.

Rayburn Whitledge W85 host for her bridge chub on day evening in her attractive home in South Main when Mrs. Houston Stinnett received the first award; Miss Jetrue Tomblin. son was winner of. tne second prize and Mrs. Howard Willian.

son was given the consolation gift A delicious party plate was served during the social hour to: Mesdames B. D. Laffoon, Charles Ben Ashby, G. L. Lacy, Howart Williamson, Stinnett.

Misses Jetrue Tomblinson, Ear-' lyne Huston and Janie Frances Jones. LENGTHEN THE LIFE of your shoes. Our halt-soles and heels wear like iron. McGREGOR'S SHOE FIXERY FASHIONS FOR FALL NEW STOCKS OF DRESSES FOR THE NEW SEASON (EXCELLENT VALUES IN LAST MINUTE STYLES AND FABRICS BY GEORGIANNA AND QUEEN MAKE $3.95 $6.50 $7.95 ELEANOR'S 403 E. BROADWAY.

The Messenger from Madisonville, Kentucky (2024)


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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.