The Central New Jersey Home News from New Brunswick, New Jersey (2024)

WEDNESDAY; MAY 87; 1008, NEW BRUNSWICK HOME NEWS. wrosERDiry," may st; iood; Page 3 HOUSESfOR RENT CITY. PUPILS DO CREDIT TO THEIR MASTERS JOHNSON Want Dept. SPORTS A4dret New i to Harold' O'Neill, Sporting Editor. STRpNG'S Phone 29 'f.

A Few Pjain Facts gauds tn ttie best the market Om cat a wort the Int iay- kalf a ceat a word eack following, tax. Adve. aadtr It ceata. Special Terms By The Month i) 3 11 ifimti ltMj4lfi-(i "rliao, burn ami 'poultry yHrfl luqlilro 11S Church street. Iiiil-Gt Foil RKN'JVHIx room house, inquire 143 Euston uvoliut.

FJR ftEN'f Jliiusn, 14ii Hamilton street, ImVlcrn iiliproveniciits. lliqunx J. J. McCIoskey, UU French street. i mlS-tf FtJR RENT Eight foom cotliigo, all Imjii ovemenlH, lilxltland I'urk.

Jumes A. Eilgjr, 3-19 Gcotge street. m5-tf ROOMS FOR itENT. -Fcyll Viva rooms; ull improve, ments. 144 BayaTd street.

m25-3t uR RENT SIX rooms. Inquire 33 Scluireman -street. m3G-Iw II 10. liM LnrflrA tut mm. suitable fur oMeest Inquire, Dr.

Voor-nvra, aui George Street. m.23-tf FOR RENT Iowcr four rooms, 2X3 Somerset street. Apply James Har-calow, 33 Remscn avenue. m3-St FOR. KENT For light manufacturing purposes, the large, light rooms In brick building on Dennis street, adjoining the Home News oflice, last occupied by the American Undergarment Company.

Ap-plv Home News. al-t TO LET Part of house eight rooms, at Metlar turnout on Bound Brook trolley line. Inquire on premises of John V. D. Metlar.

ni21-tf TO RENT Flat; 8 rooms: all Wei ngart Building, Church street. aJl-U TO BENT Flats and rooms. Apply John Reng, 69 Hiram street- m4-tf FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. FOR RENTVFurnlshed room; modern Improvements. 84 street.

m25-tf FOR RENT. CHEAP To responsible party, Summer, nicely furnished flat; 5 rooms and bath; light, central location. Address Itooms, P. O. Box, ST.

m23-l'' TO LET Furnished room. Apply 6 New ni22-5t, FOR RENT Large furnished rooms. 08 street. ml'Mw "TpURIIsiiED for rent-; lnt-provements. 1.191 Albany street, nril-tf FOR RENT Rooms, furnished or unfurnished; with jt without board.

11 Livingston ml-tf PIEA8ANT furnished room to rent. 84 Church street. al-tf FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 316 George street m27-tf EXPRESS AND CARTAGE. SCHMIDT'8 EXPRESS.

II to 18 Oliver street. All kinds ot trucking and furniture moved. Special facilities for moving safes, boilers ar.d heavy machinery ana all kinds of freight. The best trucks and teams In -the city. Residence, 17 Ollvei street.

Telephone 230-W. I'l If 1 I. OK'lJAI 1 1.. 1 Ill I 11 1 .11 VH1IH, juiiiiiuiw iuwwyx nun greatest care, city vor country; best fa- eililieM for rpmnvlni nhd hotstine nlanos: all kinds of heavy and light trucking; contractor ana onone exwiwau'r. ir employ only experienced labor; therefore IS RiHinthnii street.

New Brunswick. "Phone. call, 419. a27-lm 8TONEHOUSE BROS. EXPRESS Be tween Sayrevllle, South River and New Brunswick.

Leaves Macom's Hotel, Bur net street. dallv at 2 d. m. Orders may be left at hotel. Pianos and furnlturd removed with care.

Also delivers freigri from South River depot at ssort notice Stonehouse South River, 'iySl-tt EMPIRH TRUCKING COMPANY. Jer sey avenue, near Sandford street have the best horses, trucks and wagon; In the city to do all kinds of carting ape are especially equipped to handle planet and furniture (covered vans for city an' country moving), machinery, etc employ none but first class help, and cat therefore guarantee the best of service Give Uk a trial. Caaa. T. Wales, Supt.

'Pbona S-W. 11-tf ALL KINDS of trucking done reason ably and satisfactorily on short notice Wa have special facilities for movlni and trucking of all kinds. Excellent accommodations for the storage of furni ture, pianos, trunks, ets. Address fiavei Brothers, 12, 14 and 16 Lee avenue, nll-f CARPENTERS AND MASONS. TAtTT nlTTr' A (amantas And builder.

Mall orders promptly attendeJ avenue. Phone 286. J28-tf EXCAVATOR. RED FRTSCH. FIRST CLASS ODOR- less excavator for cleaning vaults, cesspools, etc Work done at short order and guaranteed to be satisfactory.

No extra -charge for dlsenfectlng. Prices as low as the lowest. Excavating, moving and carting of all kinds. Orders by mail or left at No. 71 Comstock street, will receive prompt attention.

George Friscb Tel. 294-R. CARRIAGES AND AUTOS. FOR SALE Horse truck; nearly new. also one top wagon in good condition.

130 Neilson street. m27-t i FOR- SALE Buggy top go-cart, in good eomlition. 145 Seaman street. FOR SALE Rubber tired Stanhope buggy; J. H.

Cooper, East Millstone. ,) i mlS-2v HARRY KITCHEN, practical automobile machinist Garage, Spotswood, N. 4 i i m9toa2l LOANS -AND MORTGAGES. 'M- iW M---V-Mr ttntiKf TO LOAN on bond and mort gage. Lyons Reel Estate Brokers.

417 Georgai street al7-tf PASTURE TO LET. PASTURE for colts or young stock; meadow along Millstone River. C. A. Hoagland, River Bnd, Belle Mead, N.J.

ml4-2w HPRSESND COWS. l-N ilf SA1.KU Orivinir cob. suited tor ladv or gentleman; kind and true in ell harness. Vandeisamlr. Piscatawaytown, 1 O.

New Brunswick. mi-it i oa o. -'jo irnuc Tupsdaf, May a carload of choice ireSll COWS HIIU BINinpria, ii ciin nn sale or exchange at the lowest marker I ln Otnl.l..u A 1 avennri N. J. WANTKIV-Good business horse.

Apply Markwt Biiuaja-Hotel Slables. RENT. FOR RENT Barn. 11 Livingston ave nue. ai-ir STABLE FOR RENT.

STABLES TO LET. containing three WvPWHwnl1'; located on Water street. tunnerser. iniiuue Michael Connor, Viehmann liuuuing. m-J5-tf FOR RENT Stable room.

Inquire 275 Neilson strwtA VETERINARY SURGEON. DR. JAMES AYRES, registered AnalO-gist Surgeon. Office, 70 Albany street, New Brunswick, N. J.

Residence. Cedar av-nmiA Uinliliinrl Parlf. N. J. Telephone A Good Display of Musical Talent Made 7 upua of Profs.

Wilmot and Penfield. The annual Spring recital given by the pupils of Professors Hmlth N. Pen-Hold ami Uorga W. Wilmot was held In Christ Church parish house and as usual tha edifice was not large enough to accommodate the Interested friends, who ovarflowed classrooms and stair cases. The aat was Intense but no one saemsd to mind It so interesting was the program last night.

mental pupils and vocal was ef a high oraer ana renects great cr dit upon the Instructors, who are both artists In thalr line. The chorus "Tha Rlvar Flowcth Strong, My Love," sung by tnirteon B' mineon I voice was beautifully rendered, thn I Voices blending eXOUISltely. 1 ttnlna. 1. 1 1 i n.

1 mm neaLrice uroie, ine youngest participant, received a large bouquet of Mowers at the close of her Prof. George W. Nuttman was the accompanist. The full program given was aa follows: Piano Duct Grand Polka do Concert, Bartlett Mlases Kathryn I. Petti and Sallle N.

Rice. Song The Spanish Glpsey Watson Miss Mamie Rapp. Piano Solo Sonata Major, two movent) nts Mozart Miss Beatrice Broffe. Song "Swing High and Swing Low''. Haesch George Edgar.

Piano Solo Nocturne A Flat. Miss Clara C. Dooley. Song "Stars" Leonl 4 Miss Eleanor Donohuer Piano Solo Staccato Etude, Rubinstein i Miss Ethel Mae Fleming. Song "Farewell In the Desert" Adams Elmer Rapp.

Piano Solo Sonata minor Beethoven Allegro-adaglo-prestlsslmo Miss Mary C. Whi'lock. Song "Love Is Squire Miss Katherlno BouJInot. Piano Solo Elfin Dance Miss Ethel Sims. Song "Sleep on" P.

E. Brown. Chorus "The River Floweth Strong, My Love" I.i..... Rogers' Misses K. Boudlnot, Donohue.

Rapp, F. Boudlnot, Partridge and Van divert; Messrs. Rapp, Clans, Owen, SchloBser, Brown, Edgar and Accompanist Mr. Geo. W.

Nuttman. GROUND WAS WELL SOAKED LAST WEEK Expert Weather Man Gives His Opinion on Last Week's Output of ATLANTIC CITY. May 27-The weekly weather bulletin for the week ending May 25, was Issued to-day as louows: The week opened and closed partly cloudy and warm. The intervening days were cool, cloudy and showery. The rainfall was generally heavy, and, fol lowing a previous marsea excroo, mo unfavorable for agricultural Interests.

The ground In most localities is satur ated, and dry weather ts needed, ine sunshine averaged less than HI per cem of the possible. There was much foggy Wrrnvmui 1 ll3 .111.11. degrees, in parts or uumDcranu to 61 degrees, at several coasi mauuii waa Hiivhtiv a hove the normal I practically all stations. The mean tem- hiffhor than the mean for th preceding week. The highest temperature of ''the week occurred, on- the 2itn, am lowest on the I9th, the temperature ex tremes within the State being 91 degree1 and 45 degrees.

rflneed from t. nearly i 3 Inches over the northeastern mrf a. few western counties, and from about 0.60 inch to nearly 2 inches else amniirat amounts being Te mrted from stations 1 Camden. Cane May and Gloucester counties. The hcav i il.n u.nplf nrcurred on thl aith and 22d, when AmonnW exceeding 1 Inch were received at several stations in the central and nortnern counties.

1 t. InmMM in JNCW nnillHWH R' Wi, ct tVia Hlo-hpHt. temnerature 77 IUIO wao and the lowest 60. Tne rainian i n. mnnrtoH hr W.

T. Woerncr. In Somerville the mean temperature was 67, the highest temperature was and the lowest 63. The rainfall was 1.S1 inches, as reported by; P. Hardcastle.

ITS OPPORTUNITY It'a County Superintendent of Schools Tells How it Could Have gotten More Money. County Superintendent of Schools H. C. Krebs, of North Plalnfleld, nas aa-dressed the following circular letter to the township collectors Of Somerset county: KncloRed Is the oraer ior ine rauiwm lav ta fflven to eiCn lax ui isiw-i. j.i.o county in proportion to Its assessed valuations.

The higher the assessments of i ha nonntv the more or tnis ranroan mx llnlnn ennntv receives finn of this tax this year, while Somerset gets only $32,000. IABt year union u-uumj assessed valuations, and hence gets in.tood of 175.000. as it would under former valuations. Somerset, on the eontrarv, has raised us ymiimiun. v.

it cmaroot imrf Hons what Union j.j nn assessments) we would Instead -of $.12,000. and school districts could do away almost en- Irelv with the local scmwi m. ii nAr.ann in Homersei tnougnc inni f( county should understand these facts. STILL AT THE OLD STAND. mnA Pa met of South River, N.

old Brussels and (ngraln Carpets made Into handsome Ruga, write ns ior oiu. "nx 178. -Kstaonanea oi. v. ,7 irpet and rag rugs.

mgn'u- DELICIOUS BANANA CREAM. This recipe Is highly by nne of our correspondents, trp It lor ccs wrt 'k. ii.h smooth ifeasfnm' AJ one teacup sweet cream 7i teacup ockairn of wm- on iiilAmod( nnd whon ini WHlt'I, -a ---r. wh candted Serve with wnipiwu 0,0. ding sauce.

eers at me tr 1 HOMESTEAD BUILDING LOAN 36TH SEKltb. The Books are open for subscription to Stock in the 36th Series. UfierdTotten 121 Church street Viehmann Zimmerman i .44 Church street First payment Juno 17th, I hom*o take shares in TO gei your the Homestead BuiMinr Loan, with the amount you would have to pay for rent. yu can almost pity for the in less than ten years. .1,.

k.i lor savm2 money. imw leettcr tlau We wsuranco. w.S-lui. Store licvs Tcleaae Calli HIGHLAND PARK DELIVERY KVU1 THURSDAY AT P. M.

ABOUT MEM0R1AL DAY. A NOTICE TO. OUR TRADE. Our store, will be closed all day Saturday, May 30, but will be open Friday, May 'JU, until 10 clock in the evening. BONELESS INGENIOUS Spaniards have the art of removing the liny bones from these cute little silvery fish without con- These little beauties are the genuine Spanish sardines, smothered in the finest quality of olive oil and perfectly free trom any bones.

16 Cents a Can. LITTLE WHITE MACKEREL. ADVERTISING is npi 'Air" with us. We've got the gobdjB. to, liack it.

If you -want to see the nicest Jittlfe White, fat, imported fish, free from, taint or rust, come to Johnson's. Cost altbtit seven cents a fish. A genuine fish bargain. 14 Cents a Pound. DOUBLE DIME COFFEE.

IS your coffee all that you desire it to lie? If not don't worry, but come to Johnson's and vour coffee trouble will be Our Double Dime Coffee is a first class coffee at a fiobular price. IC draws clear, a rich gojen; brown, color, a good Heavy body a distinctive full fragrant flavor, and drinks as smooth as cream. All the good cjiialities'-of the best Varieties oi coffee, 'skillfully iOho" harmonious mixture, the quality, a triumph of the coffee mixers' at, and the -JOHNSON price; a real 'dime saving price. 20 Cents' a Pound: FANCY FORMOSA TEA. OF all the teas imported'tlns'' is the very best in every 'respect.

Our importer says it is the best, and our judgment confirms his. Give this superb tea a trial and see if it is not best tea ever tested. You'll en joy drinking It and Cud it goes farther than cheaper -50 Cents a Pound. YORK STATE PEA BEANS. SitlALL beans 'that "cook well eat well, much better than the 'cheap imported iieans that you are tired "of.

Try our genuine, -York State, beans next time. .10 Cents a Quart. i i FIG BARSr AVAIL yourself of tliis chance to get the finest quality of fig at. this pleasing price: Centers of delicious fig jelly, with a dainty, tasty iight'eovering. They're as fresh as can be'.

10 Cents a Pound. K0RNLEL. WITH which you can make numerous delicacies, such as Kbrrtlet puddings, oysters, soups, gems, griddle fritters, or Baked Kornlet. is! the best part of green sweet corn with all the hmis removed. Full instructions' on, each 18 Cents a Can.

THOMPSON'S RADISHES. OUT VifTa hundred "hunches' different crrnwer's radishes von.1 could nick Air. Thompson's. So points of super iority, i ncy are so wmu nun cusp vnoi, a pithy one. in bunch), and so much brirrhter colored than ahv radish vou ever eat.

Mr. Thompson is truly a radish -We. get radishes tresh every day, ana geii tuem at lowest market price. MILD CHEESE. THE real mild, soft new made cheese.

We would like vou to ask for a taste of this extra good cheese to compare with the cheese you get' elsewhere. JJote the price. 16 Cents SHARP CHEESE. GOODS that' will please particular, people. We.

aim only -to sell the best cheese and want to sell it. 'We have an extra fine, rich, sharp cnecse at "20 Cents a PoiincL, CANNED TOMATOES. BEHIND our eoiniter you will find A most varied assortniojit teiupUng canned goods no old stock is' here -every can as bright and fresh inside as it looks outside. We mention as a leader a can of tomatoes, that is really a bargain; large cans, chock full of solid' red tomato meat; the full fresh llavir, just as nice as canned tomatoes can be. 10 Cents a Can.

SWEET MELLOW PEARS." IT is a long time bW wo sold anything in cans as popular as these pears. It does not take long for the crowds to find a good thing at 'Johnson's, and these pears are certainly handsome. TJ'cy are halved, peeled and cored, white-and fi.n. vet tender and toothsome. Packed in rich, sweet syrup ami' just note the Johnson price.

12 Cents a Can. JOHNSON'S VELLO FRONT 157 1NEIUSOIV ST. FOOT OF BAYARD STEEEV agords, up-to dale la every re sect sad prices lowest. Refrigerators, Water Coolers and Cream Freezers. Our stock la complete la these goods.

All slaes and prlees to rhooae from. We aever bad a liner lot than at the present time. Come early aad mako your selections before tha assortment Is broken Lawn and Garden Tools. Our stock of I.swn ttowera Grass Hooks, Rakro, lines, Garden Trowels, Uer tiers, nprlnklinc Pols, Itubber Hose, Hose Menders, Couplings, 1'u pa aad Sprinklers Is complete. STRONG HARDWARE CO.

280-201-203 Barnet St. i Open Wednesday evenings until 8 o'clock, Saturdays until 10. THE BASEBALL HERO, HAS TAKEN THE PLACE OF THE FOOTBALL MAN WITH THE WOODEN FACE. Popularity is only achieved by some brilliant accomplishment. We don't want to make any boastful claims for the future.

Those who have hereto: fore favored us with their drug and paint patronage can speak with glowing pride of the results obtained with the Acme Quality Paints, Varnishes. If it's a floor, woodwork, a table, bath tub, or the whole house, inside or outside, you're about to paint or var nish, enamel or stain we can supply exactly the article that will do the rest. You can be sure of this be cause we -jsell the perfect Aeme Quality -k mds, arcarryiftg the guarantee mark. Color cards of every description for the asking. Atlantic Lead, Pure' Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Colors in Oil, Kalsomine, Paint Brushes, in everything in the paint line that's good at proper prices.

i Mohigan's Pharmacy, 376 George Street Phone 549 PUTTfOUlV MONEYI1 A GOOD long ago won for itself the reputation of being the Best Ready Roofing known. Realizing the value of this reputation, we have always endeavored to maintain it, not only by keeping strictly up to the original high standard, bet by contantly striving to improve it in every possible way. Requires no annual painting. Samples and "Roll of Information" FREE, STRONG HARDWARE Rurnet Street. rxtpt.

S3, irmnklln. Warren -or6M6-69 8. ampbell Chicago SECOND WORKINGMEN'S BUILDING AND LOAN ASSO CIATION. NO PREMIUMS. Money leaned at 4 per cent.

Books are now open lor the 21 ST SERIES First Payment Tuesday, June 16,1908. Subscriptions will be received by the Secretary of the Association. Oeorso street; hv Jus. J. Met'loskey, president, corner French anil Townsend streets: L.

R. Van Pelt. V. Church nnd Peace streets: John A. Donnhiie.

Throop avenue; Harding Manslield, PcacotreeL If this newspaper printed no ads. to-daT there would not bo nearly so many people the atreeta who axe la UU-RRT. yulcanite" is that Roofing ON'lT'S -Hfe MERITS OUBAttt 1 asx ss VANOERBILT HORSES i AT FLAINFIELD SHOW Judge W. H. Moore's.

Blue Ribbon Win-. ners Alto Entered Next Week's 1.11 Mnu 07 a 1 1 .11 11 1 1 1 I the Plalnfleld Horse Show, to be hold June 4, 6 and 6, announced to-day that Judge v. it. Moore, or Philadelphia. ki.

In II. I. winners in 111a exhibition. 11a re gunicd aa tha owner of one ot the largest stables In th country, but, i heretofore has refused to have his linrscs compete In any of the shows nutHldo of Madison Squara Garden, (Philadelphia, and Atlantic City. Ha la now, entered In nearly all the classes forthef lalnfleld affair, the list reaching seventy.

Reginald Vanderbllt, who had twenty entries In the local snow lust year, will again compete, as will C. W. Wat. son, J. W.

Watson, tha Westchester Mabel Hooley, J. W. La-, rnqtie, W. J. Bultlield, Churlas McCut-: rhen and other large owners.

The entry UsJ far Is. larger than. any of the four previous shows. RESULTS IN THE BIG LEAGUES .1 1 Eastern League Baltimore 2, Toronto 1. ten Innings; Buffalo 3, Provl- denee Jersey City at Rochester postponed on account of rain.

American League St. Louis New York Washington Cleveland Detroit 1. Philadelphia Boston 16, Chicago 6. National League New York 7, Chicago Cincinnati. 4 Brooklyn 2: Pittsburg 8, Boston St.

Louis 2, Phlladel- .0. VON A. Ct PUTS BISKRA 1,1. TKAM IAI THE FIELD 1 At a recent meeting of tha Von A. was derided to put a baseball team In the flefrj this season.

'The players have been measured at Lvons Park-era for new uniforms. following players will uphold the honor of the club on tha diamond: J.Ochs, H. Ochs, W. McCabe, lb; i. Ingebrand, cf; W.

Ochs, 8b; F. L. Ingebrand. rt 3. McCabe, as: 11.

Ingebrand, If. All challenges should be sent to Albert Wahlcr, manager, 77 Dclaflcld street. Games with tha Catholic Club and Independents are wanted. L. Von Spreckleson is president of the club.

FORMAL OPKNING OF THE GOLF CLUB OJT SATURDAY The New Brunswick Golf Club will be formally opened for. practice to the members of the Club on Saturday afternoon, May 30th, for the season of 1968. .1 i Light refreshments will be served at 4. JO p. tn.

CAR RAN WITHOUT. THE MOTORMAN Pulled Pole From Overhead Wire and Found Motorman Un-" conscious Along Tracks. nmiKn nnonv Mv 27 Patrick i Boylan, of West Fifth street, Plalnfleld, a motorman employed Dy uie ruunt oen vice Corporation, lies In Muhlenberg Hospital, Plalnfleld, in a serious condition Kiifferinir from concussion of the brain. ho ri It of a. fall from his car while making his trip to the Dewey Park car l.ono jtarlv ii T-rl mnrnlnff.

Hoyian's run. extends from Raritan to Bound Brook, but he had nnlsnea worn nri wn hntmrl fnr thA bami With liXi empty trolley when the accident occurrej It mi vnrv fnaav al the time and th car-was making Rood time, when sun denly Conductor Biles noticed that Boy Inn wna nnt nn thA front end. He pulled the pole off the wire and brought the car to a stop as quickly as a TJa then ma Ho a. hurried Search and found the motorman lying alongside the tracks in an unconscious conaiuon. Whit ha vm trvlnB tn eet the man on the car a main -line trolley came along -eastbound and he was taken aboard anl uAn 4a TXaltinntH with nil DOSSible Just what caused the accident Is not exactly known.

One explanation which seems likely Is that Boylan was running his car at good speed and in the fog failed to slow down for a turnout, thn trolley striking It with such force as to throw him: out. An examination showed that he was considerably brulssd about the head. The company officials speak well or 'Boylan's reputation, declaring that he Is a careful man. He and the conductor were alone on the car when the accident happened. LETTER CARRIERS WILL GO TO TRENTON Tenth Annual Session of State Associa-tion Will Be Held There Saturday.

The tenth annual convention of the New Jersey Stata -Association of. Letter Carriers, will be held, in Cuncll Chamber in the Cltjr Hall. Trenton, on J)ec-ern'loT r7y. Twei.ty-seven of the free eiuiivery offlcealn he State are members, as follows: Orange, Long Branch, Passaic, Plalnlleld, City. Jcrse City, Cranford.

Bayonne, FrechoUr.Wood-bury, Hoboken, Hackensack, Atlantic City, South Orange, Morris-town, East Orange, Trenton, Somervillo, Newark. West Hoboken, Dover, New Brunswick, Elizabeth; Montclair, Ked Bank and Bloomllctd. i 1 i The smnllcr cities will have one and two delegates: The-representation Is one delegate for every ten members or fraction thereof. William E. Kelly, of Brooklyn, president of the National Association of Litter Carriers, will deliver an address United States Senator Frank O.liriggs has also promised to address the convention.

ha wnroscnted ny the FW Assistant Postmaster Gcnernl Dr. Orandlleld. Congressman Wood, of the Fourth New jersey i- in ihA evening I irici, will aiso' spmiv. a bannuet will be given to the offlcers, delegates and Invited guests. The officers of the New Jersey Stale Association of the N.

A. L. C. are ns follows: President, William C. Cook, of Long Branch! nrst vice president.

John A. Sullivan, Elisabeth; second vice pre Ident. Joseph M. Brennan. sec-iretarK.

llMVge, P. Fornoff. Hloomfleid, T. 1 "avey, Rutherford; aergeant-at-arms, James Kay, Newark, executive board, John J. Lync Edward H.

Hiitchlns, Morrlstown, Wlllnm Roe. Paterson: Andrew Farley, Newark; George B. Alexander, There's always somethlnsr -ar itiBPRR whiskey. 11 used every- where that we ahouia nna rot without it- Sold at Klein a Klein a Raritan House. I REAL EST.

FOR SALE CITY. WANTKI New Brunswick real estate In exchange for S5 aero farm near tills city. Lyons, 37S George street, itixuii ti. inJC-4t FOR BALE Brlrk tilled 2H atory frams residence; nine rooms; furnace, bath, toilet; feet from George street comer; can be turned Into store property. Address Owner, Box 279, New Brunswick.

mS-lw FOR BALK Bayard, Baldwin, Ix-levan, Knslon nvc- nue, CfliiO; French, (ierge, J4.UH0; Hassnrt, 2.ftiM; Hungarian Church, with four lots; John, Iam avenue. tl.loU; Oliver, HM; I'aterson, Kemscn avenue, Seaman, Jl.WKl; Throop avenue, Highliinr! Park, 4.1,200, James A. Kdgar, Real Estate and Insurance, Hi George street. mJ-tf FOR SALE Baldwin, all Improvements, H.000; Bayard. Burnet, (5.504.

eleven rooms, (2.4UO; Centiul avenue, College. JS.fKiO; Commercial, Easton. 13,000, George, W.HOO Hamilton, 2iO0; Time, John, 12.400; Ie. live rooms, fl.lno; Livingston, Neilson, Patei-son, eleven rooms. RMiinond.

ten rooms, all improvements. Railroad $2,500, Seaman, $2,500, Somer-xet, Sandford, all Improvemetils, $3,300. J. B. Wright, George street.

m3Z-ir FOR SALE Lot on 3rd Highland Park. 60x150. Price $400. Inquire, 6 Senior street, city. m20-2w FOR SALE House and" lot.

Highland Park; suitable for two families: all-iin- nrovements: easy terms. James A. d- gar, 349 George street. m5-i( FOR SALE House, six rooms, Redmond street. Inq ulre "Vft Cal houn street, Trenton, N.

J. a21-lm Albany St. $12,500. $1,600, $3,600, $1,400 2.300 4.M0 J.l) ,500 2.500 6.500 4. ono 6,5) 3.200 2jm 2,700 2,800 1.M0 1.100 4.100 6.000 3.500 2.50O 4.70 2.503 8,500 Georee street Bayaru street Bartlett street George's Road Delafleld street Easton avenue Hardenbergh strtt $14,000 $10,000, Hiram street Somerset street.

$1,600, $16,000 Town send street Paterson street. Morris street Magnolia avenue. Highland Remsen avenue $3,600 Senior street First avenue, Highland Welton street Central avenue Bayard street College aevnue Railroad house and two lots House and lot. Raritan avenue. Highland Park 70 acre farm on Georce's Road.

Wanted to sell properties of all de- scriptions. HARKINS VICTORY. ml6-tf 3S9 George street. WE OFFER FOR SALE the following properties: i Vj Albany St, $1,400, $8,000 Bayard St. $2,500, $2,600.

$4,000, $4,750, $5,600, $8,000 10.000 Church St. $2 600 3.SO0 Easton Ave $3,600. $5,500 French St. $2,600, 12.000 George St 16.0IXI Hamilton St, $3,000 tiD Hairdenberg 7 loom bouse, lot 70 ao 4.300 John Ctno Livingston Ave. M.0H0 New St Paterson St.

$3,000, $3,500, $3.00 4.00.1 Remsen Ave. 2,300 Railroad $1,400, 2 houses and three lots 8.200 Somerest St $3,300, $5,500 9.i0 Sandford St. 9. See Suwdam St $1,860 2,150 Townsend St. 6.000 Welton St $5,000, $5,609 Wyckoff St 2.000 Highland Park $3,800 6.500 Also choice lots and business properties In all Darts of the city.

Prosnective buy ers or sellers are cordially Invited to give us a caiu- PARKER WATSON. Real Estate and Insurance, a7-tf 102 Church street. HOUSES FOR SALE Albany $1,350 $3,800 Bayard 5.000 Easton avenue S. Hi Gullden 2.200 Livingston, avenue $5,000 16.000 Seaman l.ono Stone (double Suydam $1,300 2.200 Somerset 6.000 Schureman 2.600 Townsend Throop avenue iJ Fourth avenue, mgtiland kuio Metuchen i 3,600 Plalnfleld IS.OHo Somerville 3.500 Spotswood 3 JX) 14 Farms, all prices B. STEVENSON, 372 George street.

mJB-tf .0 BUSINESS NOTICES. FLAO SIDEWALKS laid by Farley 101 Commercial avenue. mi-iw I'PHOITERINO, painting. chairs caned and earpemer worn neatly ana cheaply done, by Frank jverenes, i ton avenue. ni9-lin NOTICE You can now buy Long's ire cream, which lias become famous Ior Its purity and delicious flavor, at 268 Drift street, corner seaman; loose ana nxtcn.

B2S'lm CARPETS AND MATTING laid at short notice. Fred RIchter. 158 Church street. "a2-tf DON'T PLACE! your order for wlnd- is. tiumns.

tanks, aasoiene ana noi nlr encinea. water sunnly goods, sub structures, tanks for factories and' san itary specialties until you get my prices. Artesian wells drilled and all kinds of renalr work done nromntlv. J. O.

Van Mlddlesworth, Bound Brook (formerly Mlddlebusa). N. J. ait-ir STORAGE. EMPIRTO STORAGE COMPANY has Inst comnleted Its modern fire? and bur glar proof storage warehouse, and is now facthtit* for storage of fur niture, pianos, tnat cannot oe excelled.

Inspection solicited. For terms applv to company's office on premises, Sandford str-et. near Jersey avenue. Telephone 299-W a4-tf 8 TORE your furniture or other foods In the Volkert Warehouse; fine, targe brick buHdlng, formerly belonging to Corlell estate: near corner George street and Carroll place: convenient location; reasonable charges. Apply Lorena Volkert, 351 George street dl4-tf ntt.W BRUNSWICK 8TORAGB Ware house 18 and 20 Drift street (near New street).

Superior accommodations for furniture, pianos, trunks, etc Prl-vui. rnnnifl of various sises and open tnrflffn at reiuinnable nrlces. For terms. apply to J. S.

Dakmer. I Paterson WANTED. WiKTETU Ttv rminie. two -fiirnlshpd rooms for light housekeeping, with private-family: host Adds Home News. m'Jti-Si WANTED Good home for a largs and beautiful torn cat.

Address S. P. O. FEMALE HELP WANTED. WANTlilJ-A Clrl at the White Hull Hotel.

in37-3t WANTKD Competent wonmn Ior hnuMework, willing to no to Iho shore for the Bummer. Kastou avenue. WANTED Washing and Ironing by Gerinun woman. 'Apply 18 Neilson streitt. mi-3t WANTKb Kxperlenced stenographer; must be quick and accurate and good speller.

J. K. Kice, Bavlngs Institution Building. mw: MALE HaP WANTED. nr T.

1. i inn driver to nick up route la this city. Ad. dress T. Home News.

mSl-it WANTED Farmer, married or single; good steady home for right party; also housekeeper. Address Honest, Home News, or call Broadway Road, near Dayton, next to J. Hoffman's farm. m25-3t Situations Wanted Female. KITTT4 TirtfJ A and typist; beginner; moderate salary; 1 .1.1 I I COOK and laundress wants position; go home nights.

Address K. Home News. mX-2t SITUATION WANTKD at general housework. 12S Somerset street. m'M-3t HOUSECLEANINO.

and iron ing done by the eUiy. Adures K. Home News. m36-3t Situations Wanted Male. Dll UAjiun i jy i ju ay uci iimn bov.

14 years, in factory. 1 Schurenian street. mX-'it nTirvvil r-i-1 .1,,.. oi ,1 wishes posUlon. Inquire Bakery, corner New and Neilson streets.

SITUATION WANTED by German man on farm. 138 Burnet street. mSIt FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE One Ice box; new last October; just the thing for grocery business. 130 Nciison street. m27-tf FOR SALE Two snow cases and counter tables.

Apiy George J. Litterst 4c 53 Church fttreet. ni-li-Sl FOR SALE, CHEAP One Edison fetan-da-rd phonograph, with 35 records; new, and in perfect condition: also one new combination book case and writing desk. Address phono, Home News. m'ifi-3t FOR feALE Extension table In good condition.

OS Neilson street. m2S-3t FOR SALE Owing, to moving from city will sell Oold Cpin r.ajige, used 8 months, cost for IJ). Coin parlor stove, used 3 Winters, cost 45. fwr Wt; both as good as new. Also other household articles at Inviting prices.

Apply at 100 Hamilton street. m25-4t ltwlty FOR SALE One No. 8 Canopy range, tubs, linoelum and matting. Call evenings after 7 1S5 Ned street. m25-2t FOR- SALE-Gentleinan's; bicycle, In good condition.

Jefferies' Tire Depot. m25-3t' I CAN FURNISH 60 quarts of milk a day to one or two parties. Address John S. -Clark, Home. News.

ni2I-tf POULTRY AND EGGS. and rooster; price 10. Address Home News. mi-ii FOR SALE Ten laying hens, at 191 Albany street. 11126-31 wvTs a IP h.mhuI Plvmnitlli rnVa R.

C. Rhode Island Reds; S. C. Brown fegnprns; inaiaa uiiner. xvuena, iilv-h-Ing eggs, $1.00 per setting; $6.00 per 100.

John Vi D. Metlar, Lock Box 136, New Brunswick, N. m3-tf STORES FOR RENT. FOR RENT Store, 41 Church street; mill romnriul tn Miit tenant. Inuuire Samuel Spitz, 16 Peace street.

m24K TO LET Store, 24 Peace street Inulre J. It. Broffe, 4 Church street. niJO-tl COUNTRY'REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE OR TO LET 26 acre farm; Belle Mead.

N. J. liberal terms. C. 11.

Simmons, ii West 12tli street, New York City. ni28-3t WANTED To buy. small farm at once. Call or write, Habedank, Ml Burnet street. ni26-3t FOR SALE House and barn, Georges Road, opposite Reckltv atumg-Company.

Apply Mrs. lielthelser. Highland Park. 118-tf LOST. IX)ST bracelet.

Saturday evening. Reward if returned to iI5 Hamilton street. mlivt STOLEN. 8TOIEN An Indian motor cycle. No.

tiM a.mAav nieht. at Bound Brook. A lilieral reward lur Its recovery. Box 565, Bound BrooK. nuw BOARDERS WANTED.

GOOD BOARD; large rooms; short distance In the country: terms reason able. Mrs. Jacob Gilliland, JeW Bruns wick, N. J. m--tfi Ti-.

WiMTFn ljTTeollpnt ta ble also furnished rooms to let at 94 Paterson street mcnii-u FOR SALE OR TO RENT. FOR SALE OR RENT Twelve room cottage; furnished; all improvements: a ock and a nail irom ine ocean; in-mii J. Address E. S. Hurli-y, New Brunswick.

N. J. ni-T-tf BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. tlftf Vilch i-janAn3lKlp nnelttnn where Information 6f grent value must pass through my linnets; womu use in meet Honest rename party wun i.iv 'cash; can make $10,000 inside of live days. For personal Interview address.

J. Young, Box Ut, Ul Sixth avenue,) Js'ew yorK, lltf-lt.

The Central New Jersey Home News from New Brunswick, New Jersey (2024)


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Author: Domingo Moore

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Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.